MATLAB Installation Guide for Unix    

License File Overview

The license information you received from The MathWorks contains a set of license passcodes. These license passcodes

The following is a sample set of license passcodes sent by The MathWorks. Lines that begin with a pound sign (#) are comments. The INCREMENT lines identify products you are licensed to run. The INCREMENT line containing TMW_Archive specifies all the products you are licensed to install. In this example, the USER_BASED keyword in the INCREMENT lines indicate it is a Named User license.

Creating a License File

When you receive your license e-mail message from The Mathworks, open a text file, using a text editor, and copy the section of the message marked by the BEGIN and END lines into a text file. Name the file license.dat and store it temporarily in any convenient directory. Before you run the installer, you must move the License File to the top-level MATLAB installation directory. For more detailed information about License Files and licensing, see License Management.

When creating a License File, note the following:

If you received your license passcodes in a fax, create the License File in the same way, typing in the license passcode information exactly as it appears in the fax. Note that License Files are case sensitive.

Obtaining or Changing Your License File 

If you need to

go to the MathWorks Web site at, click on Contact Us. Under Support and Service, find the Customer Service Request listing and click on the Web icon.

If you do not have Web access, you can contact The MathWorks via

Depending on what you want to do, please have ready, or include in your e-mail or fax, the following items:

  Product Licensing System Requirements