MATLAB Installation Guide for Windows    

Setting Up a Network Installation

This section describes two ways you can set up a MATLAB network installation on your network:

Using the installer you can set up a network installation with little knowledge of license management software. However, if you want to integrate the MathWorks products into an already established license management scheme, you may need a more thorough understanding of product licensing. For an overview of how The MathWorks uses FLEXlm, see License Management.

Remote Client Access Configuration

In a remote client access configuration, you install MATLAB and the license manager on a central file server. (These instructions refer to this system as your license server.) Users on client systems access MATLAB over the network. This figure shows one possible configuration. The license manager (FLEXlm) and MATLAB can be installed on the same server or on separate servers.

If your license server is a PC, follow the instructions in Network Installation Procedure. If your license server is a UNIX system, follow the instructions in the installation documentation for UNIX systems. A UNIX license server can serve PC clients and a PC server can serve UNIX clients.

In remote client access configurations, it can be helpful to give clients a script that sets up a shortcut to the network copy of MATLAB and specifies a default startup directory for MATLAB. See After You Install for more setup suggestions.

Local Client Access Configuration

In a local client access configuration, you install the license manager on a server and you install MATLAB on each client system. When users on client systems start MATLAB, it contacts the license manager over the network to check out a license key. This figure shows one possible configuration.

You perform the same procedure, described in Network Installation Procedure, to install the license manager and each MATLAB client installation. However, there are some differences. See Installing MATLAB on a Client System for complete information.

  License File Network Installation Procedure