MATLAB Installation Guide for Windows    

After You Install

This section describes tasks you can perform after a successful installation, including

Starting MATLAB

To start MATLAB, you can use any of these methods.

Setting Your Initial Current Directory

By default, when you start MATLAB using the shortcut the installer puts on your desktop, the initial current directory is the $MATLAB\work directory, where $MATLAB represents the name of your installation directory. The \work directory is a good place to store the M-files you modify and create because the MATLAB uninstaller does not delete the \work directory if it contains files.

You can, however, use any directory as your MATLAB initial current directory. To specify another directory as your initial current directory, right-click on the MATLAB shortcut that the installer creates on your desktop and select the Properties option. Specify the name of the directory in the Start in field.

  Standard Installation Checklist Setting Up MATLAB Environment Options