FG96: Instructions for Presenters

Instructions for ORAL Presentations

Each oral presentation is limited to 15 minutes with 5 additional minutes for questions, answers and discussions. Please make sure that your presentation is tailored to fit in the allocated time.

All presenters are requested to report to the chair of their respective sessions way in advance. Presenters should test their slide, video etc. on the provided A/V facilities during the breaks and before their sessions. Volunteers would be available to help, however, presenters are responsible for setting up their slides and collecting them after the presentations. Following A/V facilities will be provided:

  1. Overhead projector (for transparencies).
  2. 35mm slide projector + 35mm slide trays (remote controlled).
  3. A VHS video player (NTSC FORMAT ONLY) and a monitor.
If you have additional A/V needs, please send an email to fg96@media.mit.edu immediately.
Sent via email to: Tue Sep 17 1996
fg96-oral-presenters@media.mit.edu -> Jim.Crowley@imag.fr,
Thomas.Maurer@neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de, ajh@scs.leeds.ac.uk,
bim@sv1.smb.man.ac.uk, brand@media.mit.edu, ccohen@ariel.cybernet.com,
charles@umich.edu, costen@hip.atr.co.jp, covell@interval.com,
wren@media.mit.edu, dnm@central.cis.upenn.edu, drew@media.mit.edu,
elwin@media.mit.edu, fcmk@watson.ibm.com, freeman@merl.com,
geiger@cs.nyu.edu, hpg@research.att.com,
jochen@neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de, juxuan@vis.toronto.edu,
kcy@eng.cam.ac.uk, mbichsel@ifi.unizh.ch, mlew@wi.leidenuniv.nl,
nagaya@trc.rwcp.or.jp, otoole@utdallas.edu, quek@eecs.uic.edu,
tonebone@ai.mit.edu, vetter@mpik-tueb.mpg.de, wechsler@cs.gmu.edu,
weng@cps.msu.edu, wilder@caip.rutgers.edu

Instructions for POSTER Presentations

Poster sessions have become a good way for authors to present papers and meet with interested attendees for in-depth technical discussions. In addition, attendees find the poster sessions a good way to sample many papers in the same sessions, concentrating on the papers that are of the most interest to them. Thus it is important that you display your message clearly and strikingly so as to attract people who might have an interest in your paper.

Poster Preparation:

Space will be provided to put up your poster. Posters should measure 120cm (height) x 180cm (width)(4 x 6 feet). Please bring tape and push tacks to put up your poster. Remember, Killington Resort is not in a major US City.

Carefully and completely prepare your poster well in advance of the conference. There will be no time nor materials available for last minute preparation at the conference. Try tacking up the poster before you leave for the conference to see what it will look like and to make sure that you have all of the necessary pieces.

Your poster should cover the key points of your work and should be complimentary to the publication in the proceedings. It need not, and should not, attempt to include all the details; you can describe them to people who are interested. The ideal poster is designed to attract attention, provide a brief overview of your work, and initiate discussion.

The title of your poster should appear at the top in CAPITAL letters about 25mm (1 inch) high. Below the title put the author(s)' name(s) and affiliation(s). The flow of your poster should be from the top left to the bottom right. Use arrows to lead your viewer through the poster.

Use color for highlighting and to make your poster more attractive. Use pictures, diagrams, cartoons, figures, etc., rather than text wherever possible.

Use text sparingly. Try to state your main result in 6 lines or less, in lettering about 15mm (5/8 inch) high. This way people can read the poster from a distance.

People will not read a lot of text, and certainly won't read typewriter-sized text. The smallest text on your poster should be at least 9mm (3/8 inch) high, and the important points should be in a larger size. If possible, use a "sans serif' font, for example "cmss" in the Computer Modern family or the "Helvetica" Postscript font. It will be easier for people to read from a distance.

Make your poster as self-explanatory as possible. This will save your efforts for technical discussions.

Poster Sessions:

We have allocated 2 Poster Sessions:
Poster Session #1: Monday October 14, 1996 3:15pm - 4:40pm
Poster Session #2: Tuesday October 15, 1996 3:15pm - 4:40pm

We request that posters should be put up either the night before the day of presentation or in the morning of the day of the session and should remain up the whole day. This will allow for informal interaction between the authors and the attendees during the whole day.

Poster Presentations:

Prepare a short presentation of about 5 or 10 minutes that you can periodically give to those assembled around your poster. Plan on giving this talk several times during your 1-1/2 hour poster session. Plan to spend the entire session at your poster.

If possible, more than one author should attend the session to aid in presentations and discussions, and to provide the presenters with the chance to rest or briefly view other posters.

You may bring additional battery operated audio or visual aids to enhance your presentation. If you need to use additional A/V equipment for your poster presentation, please let us know by sending us an email at fg96@media.mit.edu. We will provide you with contact info on companies that can rent you such equipment. We do not guarantee availability of all desired A/V facilities for your poster presentation.

Email a 25 word description: (25 words or less please!)

After completing your poster please email to fg96-posters@media.mit.edu the following information:

Author(s)' Name(s): 

Author(s)' Affiliations(s):

25 word or less description of the poster:

3 keywords that describe the work.
This information will be used to introduce your poster to the Attendees.
Sent via email to: Tue Sep 17 1996
fg96-poster-presenters -> Richard.Lengagne@inria.fr, TakacsB@aol.com,
alex@cs.uow.edu.au, antonio@ifp.uiuc.edu, collobem@lannion.cnet.fr,
dkroy@media.mit.edu, dmachin@bt-sys.bt.co.uk, edp@bell-labs.com,
fcmk@watson.ibm.com, franklin@cs.uchicago.edu, gje@sv1.smb.man.ac.uk,
h.demirel@ic.ac.uk, herpers@gsf.de, hienz@techinfo.rwth-aachen.de,
jonh@cogs.susx.ac.uk, kakusho@sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp, kcy@eng.cam.ac.uk,
mturk@microsoft.com, nishi@trc.rwcp.or.jp, reinders@et.tudelft.nl,
rhoogenb@wi.leidenuniv.nl, saxe@asel.udel.edu, sgg@dcs.qmw.ac.uk,
sobottka@zeus.csd.auth.gr, sourabh@media.mit.edu,
stephen@dcs.qmw.ac.uk, wechsler@cs.gmu.edu, weng@cps.msu.edu,
wuhy@yachi-lab.sys.es.osaka-u.ac.jp, yaser@cs.umd.edu

2d International Conference on Automatic Face- and Gesture-Recognition , fg96@media.mit.edu

Last modified: Tue Sep 17 19:58:50 EDT 1996