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- 1
S. Amari.
Information geometry of em and em algorithms for neural networks.
Neural Networks, 8(9), 1995.
- 2
C. Bishop.
Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition.
Oxford Press, 1996.
- 3
A. Dempster, N. Laird, and D. Rubin.
Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the em algorithm.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B39, 1977.
- 4
M. Jordan and R. Jacobs.
Hierarchical mixtures of experts and the em algorithm.
Neural Computation, 6:181-214, 1994.
- 5
X. Meng and D. Rubin.
Maximum likelihood estimation via the ecm algorithm: A general
Biometrika, 80(2), 1993.
- 6
A. Popat.
Conjoint probabilistic subband modeling (phd. thesis).
Technical Report 461, M.I.T. Media Laboratory, 1997.
- 7
L. Xu, M. Jordan, and G. Hinton.
An alternative model for mixtures of experts.
In Neural Information Processing Systems 7, 1995.
Tony Jebara