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Dynamic Model

This chapter describes a real-time, fully-dynamic, 3-D person tracking system that is able to tolerate full (temporary) occlusions and whose performance is substantially unaffected by the presence of multiple people. The system is driven by 2-D blob features observed in two or more cameras [1,26]. These features are then probabilistically integrated into a fully-dynamic 3-D skeletal model, which in turn drives the 2-D feature tracking process by setting appropriate prior probabilities.

The feedback between 3-D model and 2-D image features is an extended Kalman filter. One unusual aspect of our approach is that the filter directly couples raw pixel measurements with an articulated dynamic model of the human skeleton. Previous attempts at person tracking have utilized a generic set of image features (e.g., edges, optical flow) that were computed as a preprocessing step, without consideration of the task to be accomplished. In this aspect our system is similar to that of Dickmanns in automobile control [6], and our previous research shows that we obtain similar advantages in efficiency and stability though this direct coupling.

We will show how this framework can go beyond passive physics of the body by incorporating various patterns of control (which we call `behaviors') that are learned from observing humans while they perform various tasks. Behaviors are defined as those aspects of the motion that cannot be explained by passive physics alone. In the untrained tracker these manifest as significant structure in the innovations process (the sequence of prediction errors). Learned models of this structure can be used to recognize and predict this purposeful aspect of human motion.

This chapter will briefly discuss the formulation of our 3-D skeletal model in Section 2.2.1, followed by an explanation of how to drive that model from 2-D probabilistic measurements, and how 2-D observations and feedback relate to that model in Section 2.2.2. Section 2.2.3 explains the behavior system and its intimate relationship with the physical model. Finally, we will report on experiments showing an increase in 3-D tracking accuracy, insensitivity to temporary occlusion, and the ability to handle multiple people in Section 2.3.

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