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Excellence in Science and Technology Award, Xerox PARC, 1998.

Outstanding leadership award
Civil Air Patrol, California wing, NCO of the Year, 1993.
Awarded highest recognition of leadership skills in the State of California.

Attendance at an intensive military leadership school
Noncommissioned officer's Academy 1992
Selected as one of 30 students from a pool of 100 to attend this California state

Attendance at an intensive military leadership school
Pararescue Orientation Course 1992
Selected as one of 30 students from throughout the US to attend this national

Outstanding leadership award
Noncommissioned Officer's school intensive seminar 1990
Awarded best overall leader (Honor Cadet) and best presentation in class of 50

Outstanding leadership award Civil Air Patrol Encampment 1989
Awarded best overall leader (Honor Cadet) in class of 100 students.

Dana L Kirsch
Tue May 25 08:59:22 EDT 1999