Table of Contents

List of Figures, Tables and Graphs 7

Chapter 1. Introduction *

Explanation *

Motivation *

Affective Social Quest *

Chapter 2. Background *

Technological Motivation *

Digital Life *

Toys of Tomorrow *

Affective Computing *

Therapeutic Motivation *

Development Theories *

Communication *

Autism *

Why ASQ *

Chapter 3. System Description *

Application Design *

Design Goals *

Practitioner Interface *

Child Interface *

Evaluation by Practitioners *

Content Critique *

Interface Critique *

Operational Modes *

Plush Toy Interface *

Interactive Modes *

Application Development *

Software *

Hardware *

Wireless Communication *

Apparatus *

General Procedures *

Experimental Conditions *

Statistics Gathered *

Chapter 4. Evaluation & Results *

Cambridge Pilot Test *

Method *

Subjects *

Data Analysis *

Dan Marino Test *

General Observations *

Dan Marino Results *

Chapter 5. Conclusion *

Discussion *

Problems and Challenges *

Doll Interface *

Practitioner Interface *

Statistics *

Intentionality *

Chapter 6. Future Work *

Version 2.0 *

Other ideas *

Bibliography *

Appendices *

ASQ Team *

The Advisors *

The Readers *

The Developers *

Video Clips *

Sources *

Questionnaire *

Subject Testing *


Dan Marino IRB *

Miami Children’s Hospital Dan Marino Center *

Child Observations *