For more information on defining and distinguishing emotions see, Arnold M.B., Ekman P., Friesen, W.V. & Ellsworth P (1972), Frijda N.H. (1986, 1988), Izard, Carol (1977, 1987), and Kagan J. (1994).
Emotional Intelligence is a term used extensively by Daniel Goleman that refers to one's ability to ``rein in emotional impulse; to read another's innermost feelings; to handle relationships smoothly is - as Aristotle put it - the rare skill `to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way''' [Goleman, 1995].
For more information on the cost of the Affective Tigger see the table in Appendix E.
IC version R2 2.852 is a C compiler/interpreter for use with 6811 boards. The IC software system was written by Randy Sargent (rsargent@media.mit.edu) and Anne Wright (anarch@ai.mit.edu) It makes use of a pcode interpreter and drivers that live on the robot board, which were written by Randy Sargent, Fred Martin, and Anne Wright.
Again, many thanks to Linda Kiley for her time and attention.

Dana L Kirsch
Tue May 25 08:59:22 EDT 1999