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We have presented an integrated system for detecting, modeling and
tracking faces in real-time. The system uses detection to
automatically initialize a tracking system and to re-initialize upon
failure. The tracking system uses a feedback approach to stabilize 2D
correlation-based trackers by recovering structure from motion and
constraining structure with learned 3D facial geometry. Adaptive
Kalman filtering is used to weight features by determining a mapping
between 2D spatial tracking accuracy and textures and correlation
residuals. The system achieves greater stability under 3D variations,
occlusion and local feature failure since a global estimation
framework links the individual trackers by acquiring the underlying 3D
structure of the face. The system is demonstrated on live video
sequences where it tracks large out-of-plane rotations stably.
We are currently investigating more sophisticated representations of
the 3D model of facial structure to better constrain the structure
from motion problem. In particular, it is possible to place the
model's structural parameters (i.e. the coefficients of the
eigenspace) directly into the EKF as parameters in its internal state
vector. This would replace the current estimation and post-processing
of point-wise depth structure. The linearization in the EKF would be
performed on our eigenspace of 3D heads directly and would be used to
form the Jacobians for the estimation of internal state.
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Up: MIT Media Laboratory, Perceptual
Previous: Testing and Performance
Tony Jebara