Programming and Data Types    

String Evaluation

String evaluation adds power and flexibility to the MATLAB language, letting you perform operations like executing user-supplied strings and constructing executable strings through concatenation of strings stored in variables.


The eval function evaluates a string that contains a MATLAB expression, statement, or function call. In its simplest form, the eval syntax is

For example, this code uses eval on an expression to generate a Hilbert matrix of order n.

Here's an example that uses eval on a statement.

Constructing Strings for Evaluation

You can concatenate strings to create a complete expression for input to eval. This code shows how eval can create 10 variables named P1, P2, ...P10, and set each of them to a different value.


The feval function differs from eval in that it executes a function rather than a MATLAB expression. The function to be executed is specified in the first argument by either a function handle or a string containing the function name.

You can use feval and the input function to choose one of several tasks defined by M-files. This example uses function handles for the sin, cos, and log functions.

  return Dates and Times