Programming and Data Types    


The for loop executes a statement or group of statements a predetermined number of times. Its syntax is:

The default increment is 1. You can specify any increment, including a negative one. For positive indices, execution terminates when the value of the index exceeds the end value; for negative increments, it terminates when the index is less than the end value.

For example, this loop executes five times.

You can nest multiple for loops.

Using Arrays as Indices

The index of a for loop can be an array. For example, consider an m-by-n array A. The statement

sets i equal to the vector A(:,k). For the first loop iteration, k is equal to 1; for the second k is equal to 2, and so on until k equals n. That is, the loop iterates for a number of times equal to the number of columns in A. For each iteration, i is a vector containing one of the columns of A.

  while continue