External Interfaces/API    

Description of Function pb_add

1. Input the Entry to Add

The pb_add function takes one argument, the Properties object pb_htable. pb_add uses disp to prompt for an entry. Using the up-arrow (^) character as a line delimiter, input inputs a name to the variable entry. Then, within a while loop, it uses input to get another line of the entry into variable line. If the line is empty, indicating that the user has finished the entry, the code breaks out of the while loop. If the line is not empty, the else statement appends line to entry and then appends the line delimiter. At the end, the strcmp checks the possibility that no input was entered and, if that is the case, returns.

2. Add the Entry to the Phone Book

After the input has completed, pb_add calls put on pb_htable with the hash key name (on which pb_keyfilter is called to change spaces to underscores) and entry. It then displays a message that the entry has been added.

  Description of Function pb_lookup Description of Function pb_remove