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Built-In Data Types

Java built-in data types are described in Passing Built-In Data Types. Basically, this data type includes boolean, byte, short, long, int, double, float, and char. When the value returned from a method call is one of these Java built-in types, MATLAB converts it according to the table, Conversion of Java Types to MATLAB Types.

A single numeric or boolean value converts to a 1-by-1 matrix of double, which is convenient for use in MATLAB. An array of a numeric or boolean return values converts to an array of the closest base type, to minimize the required storage space. Array conversions are listed in the right-hand column of the table.

A return value of Java type char converts to a 1-by-1 matrix of char. And an array of Java char converts to a MATLAB array of that type.

  Handling Data Returned from a Java Method Java Objects