External Interfaces/API    

Calling MATLAB from C and Fortran Programs

The MATLAB engine library is a set of routines that allows you to call MATLAB from your own programs, thereby employing MATLAB as a computation engine. MATLAB engine programs are C or Fortran programs that communicate with a separate MATLAB process via pipes, on UNIX, and through a Component Object Model (COM) interface, on Windows. There is a library of functions provided with MATLAB that allows you to start and end the MATLAB process, send data to and from MATLAB, and send commands to be processed in MATLAB.
Using the MATLAB Engine
What type of applications is the MATLAB engine useful for, and what functions are available to use with it
Examples of Calling Engine Functions
Example programs that call MATLAB from C or Fortran, and that attach to an existing MATLAB session
Compiling and Linking Engine Programs
Compiling and linking on UNIX and Windows

  Debugging on Windows Using the MATLAB Engine