External Interfaces/API    


This book uses many examples to show how to write C and Fortran MEX-files.

Examples From the Text

The refbook subdirectory in the extern/examples directory contains the MEX-file examples (C and Fortran) that are used in this book, External Interfaces.

You can find the most recent versions of these examples using the anonymous FTP server locations

MEX Reference Examples

The mex subdirectory of /extern/examples directory contains MEX-file examples. It includes the examples described in the online External Interfaces/API reference pages for MEX interface functions (the functions beginning with the mex prefix).

You can find the most recent versions of these examples using the anonymous FTP server location

MX Examples

The mx subdirectory of extern/examples contains examples for using the array access functions. Although you can use these functions in stand-alone programs, most of these are MEX-file examples. The exception is mxSetAllocFcns.c, since this function is available only to stand-alone programs.

You can find the most recent versions of these examples using the anonymous FTP server location

Engine and MAT Examples

The eng_mat subdirectory in the extern/examples directory contains the MEX-file examples (C and Fortran) for using the MATLAB engine facility, as well as examples for reading and writing MATLAB data files (MAT-files). These examples are all stand-alone programs.

You can find the most recent versions of these examples using the anonymous FTP server locations

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