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Default Options File on UNIX

The default MEX options file provided with MATLAB is located in <matlab>/bin. The mex script searches for an options file called mexopts.sh in the following order:

mex uses the first occurrence of the options file it finds. If no options file is found, mex displays an error message. You can directly specify the name of the options file using the -f switch.

For specific information on the default settings for the MATLAB supported compilers, you can examine the options file in fullfile(matlabroot, 'bin', 'mexopts.sh'), or you can invoke the mex script in verbose mode (-v). Verbose mode will print the exact compiler options, prelink commands (if appropriate), and linker options used in the build process for each compiler. Custom Building on UNIX gives an overview of the high-level build process.

  MEX Script Switches Default Options File on Windows