Development Environment |
Replacing a Specified String Within Files
After searching for a string within a file, you can replace the string:
- Open the file in MATLAB Editor. You can open the file from the Current Directory browser Find dialog box results list--see step 4 in Finding a Specified String Within a File. Be sure that the file in which you want to replace the string is the current file in the Editor.
- In the Editor, click the find button .
- The Current Directory browser Find dialog box is replaced by the Editor Find & Replace dialog box, which looks very similar.
- In the Look in field in the Find & Replace dialog box, select the name of the file in which you want to replace the string.
- The Replace button in the Find & Replace dialog box becomes selectable.
- In the Replace with field, type the text that is to replace the specified string.
- Click Replace to replace the string in the selected line, or click Replace All to replace all instances in the currently open file.
- The text is replaced.
- To save the changes, select Save from the File menu in the Editor.
| Finding and Replacing Content Within Files | | Accessing Source Control Features | |