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Showing Balanced Delimiters

When you position the cursor inside a pair of delimiters, that is, inside ( ), [ ], or { }, and select Balance Delimiters from the Text menu, the string inside the pair of delimiters is highlighted. If there is not a pair of delimiters, instead MATLAB beeps. In this example, when the cursor is positioned before /norm, as indicated here

selecting Balance Delimiters highlights the selection as shown here.

For other appearance aids related to balancing delimiters, see Syntax Highlighting.

Line and Column Numbers

Line numbers are displayed along the left side of the Editor/Debugger window. To change the width of the line number column, drag the separator bar (to the right of the line numbers). Line numbers can be up to nine digits.

The line and column numbers for the current cursor position are shown in the far right side of the status bar in the Editor. You can elect not to show the line numbers using preferences--see Show line numbers.

View Function or Subfunction

View the function or subfunction the cursor is currently at in the right side of the status bar in the Editor.

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