
An Airflow Model

A calculation performed at NASA's Research Institute for Applications of Computer Science involves modeling the flow over an airplane wing with two trailing flaps.

In a two-dimensional model, a triangular grid surrounds a cross section of the wing and flaps. The partial differential equations are nonlinear and involve several unknowns, including hydrodynamic pressure and two components of velocity. Each step of the nonlinear iteration requires the solution of a sparse linear system of equations. Since both the connectivity and the geometric location of the grid points are known, the gplot function can produce the graph shown above.

In this example, there are 4253 grid points, each of which is connected to between 3 and 9 others, for a total of 28831 nonzeros in the matrix, and a density equal to 0.0016. This spy plot shows that the node numbering yields a definite band structure.

  The Bucky Ball Sparse Matrix Operations