External Interfaces/API Reference    

Get the number of fields in a structure mxArray

C Syntax


   Pointer to a structure mxArray.


The number of fields, on success. Returns 0 on failure. The most common cause of failure is that array_ptr is not a structure mxArray. Call mxIsStruct to determine if array_ptr is a structure.


Call mxGetNumberOfFields to determine how many fields are in the specified structure mxArray.

Once you know the number of fields in a structure, it is easy to loop through every field in order to set or to get field values.


See phonebook.c in the refbook subdirectory of the examples directory.

For additional examples, see mxisclass.c in the mx subdirectory of the examples directory; see explore.c in the mex subdirectory of the examples directory.

See Also

mxGetField, mxIsStruct, mxSetField

  mxGetNumberOfElements mxGetNzmax