External Interfaces/API Reference    

Get the number of rows

C Syntax


   Pointer to an array.


The number of rows in the mxArray to which array_ptr points.


mxGetM returns the number of rows in the specified array. The term rows always means the first dimension of the array no matter how many dimensions the array has. For example, if array_ptr points to a four-dimensional array having dimensions 8-by-9-by-5-by-3, then mxGetM returns 8.


See convec.c in the refbook subdirectory of the examples directory.

For additional examples, see fulltosparse.c, revord.c, timestwo.c, and xtimesy.c in the refbook subdirectory of the examples directory; see mxmalloc.c and mxsetdimensions.c in the mx subdirectory of the examples directory; see mexget.c, mexlock.c, mexsettrapflag.c, and yprime.c in the mex subdirectory of the examples directory.

See Also

mxGetN, mxSetM, mxSetN

  mxGetLogicals mxGetN