External Interfaces/API Reference    

Get the ir array

Fortran Syntax


   Pointer to a sparse mxArray.


A pointer to the first element in the ir array if successful, and zero otherwise. Possible causes of failure include:


Use mxGetIr to obtain the starting address of the ir array. The ir array is an array of integers; the length of the ir array is typically nzmax values. For example, if nzmax equals 100, then the ir array should contain 100 integers.

Each value in an ir array indicates a row (offset by 1) at which a nonzero element can be found. (The jc array is an index that indirectly specifies a column where nonzero elements can be found.)

For details on the ir and jc arrays, see mxSetIr and mxSetJc.

See Also

mxGetJc, mxGetNzmax, mxSetIr, mxSetJc, mxSetNzmax

  mxGetInf mxGetJc