External Interfaces/API Reference    

ANSI C printf-style output routine

C Syntax


format, ...
   ANSI C printf-style format string and optional arguments.


The number of characters printed. This includes characters specified with backslash codes, such as \n and \b.


This routine prints a string on the screen and in the diary (if the diary is in use). It provides a callback to the standard C printf routine already linked inside MATLAB, and avoids linking the entire stdio library into your MEX-file.

In a MEX-file, you must call mexPrintf instead of printf.


See mexfunction.c in the mex subdirectory of the examples directory. For an additional example, see phonebook.c in the refbook subdirectory of the examples directory.

See Also

mexErrMsgTxt, mexWarnMsgTxt

  mexMakeMemoryPersistent mexPutArray (Obsolete)