External Interfaces/API Reference    

Issue error message with identifier and return to the MATLAB prompt

C Syntax


   String containing a MATLAB message identifier. See Message Identifiers in the MATLAB documentation for information on this topic.

   String containing the error message to be displayed. The string may include formatting conversion characters, such as those used with the ANSI C sprintf function.

   Any additional arguments needed to translate formatting conversion characters used in error_msg. Each conversion character in error_msg is converted to one of these values.


Call mexErrMsgIdAndTxt to write an error message and its corresponding identifier to the MATLAB window. After the error message prints, MATLAB terminates the MEX-file and returns control to the MATLAB prompt.

Calling mexErrMsgIdAndTxt does not clear the MEX-file from memory. Consequently, mexErrMsgIdAndTxt does not invoke the function registered through mexAtExit.

If your application called mxCalloc or one of the mxCreate routines to allocate memory, mexErrMsgIdAndTxt automatically frees the allocated memory.

See Also

mexErrMsgTxt, mexWarnMsgIdAndTxt, mexWarnMsgTxt

  mexCallMATLAB mexErrMsgTxt