External Interfaces/API Reference    

Call a MATLAB function or operator, a user-defined M-file, or other MEX-file

Fortran Syntax

On the Alpha platform, use:


   Number of desired output arguments. This value must be less than or equal to 50.

   Array of mxArray pointers that can be used to access the returned data from the function call. Once the data is accessed, you can then call mxFree to free the mxArray pointer. By default, MATLAB frees the pointer and any associated dynamic memory it allocates when you return from the mexFunction call.

   Number of input arguments. This value must be less than or equal to 50.

   Array of pointers to input data.

   Character array containing the name of the MATLAB function, operator, M-file, or MEX-file that you are calling. If name is an operator, place the operator inside a pair of single quotes; for example, '+'.


0 if successful, and a nonzero value if unsuccessful and mexSetTrapFlag was previously called.


Call mexCallMATLAB to invoke internal MATLAB functions, MATLAB operators, M-files, or other MEX-files.

By default, if name detects an error, MATLAB terminates the MEX-file and returns control to the MATLAB prompt. If you want a different error behavior, turn on the trap flag by calling mexSetTrapFlag.

See Also

mexFunction, mexSetTrapFlag

  mexAtExit mexErrMsgIdAndTxt