External Interfaces/API Reference    

Register a function to be called when the MEX-function is cleared or when MATLAB terminates

C Syntax


   Pointer to function you want to run on exit.


Always returns 0.


Use mexAtExit to register a C function to be called just before the MEX-function is cleared or MATLAB is terminated. mexAtExit gives your MEX-function a chance to perform tasks such as freeing persistent memory and closing files. Typically, the named ExitFcn performs tasks like closing streams or sockets.

Each MEX-function can register only one active exit function at a time. If you call mexAtExit more than once, MATLAB uses the ExitFcn from the more recent mexAtExit call as the exit function.

If a MEX-function is locked, all attempts to clear the MEX-file will fail. Consequently, if a user attempts to clear a locked MEX-file, MATLAB does not call the ExitFcn.


See mexatexit.c in the mex subdirectory of the examples directory.

See Also

mexLock, mexUnlock

  mexAddFlops (Obsolete) mexCallMATLAB