External Interfaces/API Reference    

Put mxArrays into MAT-files as originating from the global workspace

Fortran Syntax


   Pointer to MAT-file information.

   Name of mxArray to put into MAT-file.

   mxArray pointer.


This routine allows you to put an mxArray into a MAT-file. matPutVariableAsGlobal is similar to matPutVariable, except the array, when loaded by MATLAB, is placed into the global workspace and a reference to it is set in the local workspace. If you write to a MATLAB 4 format file, matPutVariableAsGlobal will not load it as global, and will act the same as matPutVariable.

matPutVariableAsGlobal writes mxArray pm to the MAT-file mfp. If the mxArray does not exist in the MAT-file, it is appended to the end. If an mxArray with the same name already exists in the file, the existing mxArray is replaced with the new mxArray by rewriting the file. The size of the new mxArray can be different than the existing mxArray.

matPutVariableAsGlobal returns 0 if successful and nonzero if an error occurs.

  matPutVariable  Fortran MEX-Functions