External Interfaces/API Reference    

Load array header information only

C Syntax


   Pointer to MAT-file information.

   Address of the variable to contain the mxArray name.


matGetNextVariableInfo loads only the array header information, including everything except pr, pi, ir, and jc, from the file's current file offset. MATLAB returns the name of the mxArray in name.

If pr, pi, ir, and jc are set to nonzero values when loaded with matGetVariable, matGetNextVariableInfo sets them to -1 instead. These headers are for informational use only and should never be passed back to MATLAB or saved to MAT-files.


See matcreat.c and matdgns.c in the eng_mat subdirectory of the examples directory for sample programs that illustrate how to use the MATLAB MAT-file routines in a C program.

See Also

matGetNextVariable, matGetVariableInfo

  matGetNextVariable matGetString (Obsolete)