External Interfaces/API Reference    

Start a MATLAB engine session for single, nonshared use

C Syntax


   String to start MATLAB process. On Windows, the startcmd string must be NULL.

   Reserved for future use; must be NULL.

   Return status; possible cause of failure.



This routine allows you to start multiple MATLAB processes for the purpose of using MATLAB as a computational engine. engOpenSingleUse starts a MATLAB process, establishes a connection, and returns a unique engine identifier, or NULL if the open fails. engOpenSingleUse starts a new MATLAB process each time it is called.

engOpenSingleUse opens a COM channel to MATLAB. This starts the MATLAB that was registered during installation. If you did not register during installation, on the command line you can enter the command:

engOpenSingleUse allows single-use instances of a MATLAB engine server. engOpenSingleUse differs from engOpen, which allows multiple users to use the same MATLAB engine server.

See Introducing MATLAB COM Integration for additional details.


This routine is not supported and simply returns.

  engOpen engOutputBuffer