Wavelet Toolbox Release Notes    

Upgrading from an Earlier Release

This section describes the upgrade issues involved in moving from the Wavelet Toolbox 1.2 to the Wavelet Toolbox 2.0.

Default Extension Mode

The new default extension mode for DWT is 'sym' (see New Extension Modes for DWT). If you want to restore the default mode used in earlier versions, you have to execute the dwtmode function. dwtmode('save','zpd') saves 'zpd' extension mode as the default mode in the file DWTMODE.DEF.

Wavelet Packet Structures and Obsolete Functions

wtbxmngr('V1') lets you use earlier versions of wavelet packets data structures and functionality, as well as the following obsolete functions: dwtper, idwtper, maketree, wdatamgr, dwtper2, idwtper2, and plottree.

The obsolete functions are located in the $MATLAB/toolbox/wavelet/waveobsolete directory, where $MATLAB is the root installation directory of MATLAB.

wtbxmngr('V2') restores the new version of wavelet packet data structures and functionality, and disables the obsolete functions.

 Other Enhancements