Statistics Toolbox Release Notes    

Other Updated Functions

Linear Model Functions

Linear model functions (e.g., anova1, polyval, etc.) ignore observations with NaN value in the X or Y input.


The betafit function now:


The second syntax for boxplot above is new. The first syntax displays a box for each column of the x matrix. The second syntax displays a box for each level of the grouping variable g. In addition, g can be a cell array of grouping variables to produce a separate box for each unique combination of grouping variable levels. See grpstats.


The cluster function adds a flag argument which overrides the default meaning of the cutoff argument. If flag is 'inconsistent', then cutoff is interpreted as a threshold for the inconsistency coefficient. If flag is 'clusters', then cutoff is the maximum number of clusters.


The crosstab function now accepts any number of inputs, not just two. Each input can be a numeric vector, a string array, or a cell array of strings. (In the previous release each input had to be a vector of positive integers taking values 1, ..., g for some g.) If there are v input variables, the output table is a v-dimensional array, with table(i,j,k,...) counting the number of times that the first argument takes its ith value, that the second argument takes its jth value, that the third argument takes its kth value, and so on.

For the case of two positive integer input arguments, the function yields the same results as the previous release unless there are missing integers (i.e., not all of 1, ..., g appear in the input). In that case, the previous release would have produced a divide-by-zero warning and would have generated a row or column of zeros in table. The new version simply does not consider that category, so it does not reserve zeros for it.

As in the previous release, chi2 is a chi-square statistic for testing independence, and p is its p-value. In this release, table can be other than a two-dimensional table, and the test is that all dimensions are independent.

The labels output is a cell array with one column for each input argument. The column lists the values of that input. Revisiting the example above, table(i,j,k,...) counts the number of times that the first argument takes the value labels{i,1}, that the second argument takes the value labels{j,2}, that the third argument takes the value labels{k,3}, and so on.


The ewmaplot default for alpha changed to 0.27% to conform to the standard ewma chart definition.


The grpstats argument group is no longer restricted to be a vector of integers. It can be a grouping variable that is a numeric vector, a string matrix, or a cell array of strings. In addition it can be a cell array containing multiple group vectors. The function computes statistics on groups defined by unique combinations of levels of the grouping variables. The new output gname is a cell array with one row per group and one column per grouping variable. Elements of means, sem, and counts are statistics calculated for the group defined by values in the corresponding row of gname. Examples include


The nlinfit function now accepts inline functions and function handles (@FF) in addition to the text strings ('FF') accepted in the past for input fun.


The interface invoked with the nlintool function now:


The nlpredci function has new arguments that allow the same types of confidence intervals produced by nlintool.


The norminv function now returns NaN for each element of p that is NaN.


The normplot function now strips NaN values individually from each column of x.


The normrnd function now returns the mean if sigma is 0.


The interface invoked by the polytool function has the following enhancements:


The prctile function now strips NaN values individually from each column of x.


The qqplot function now:


New ranksum output stats is a structure that always contains a field named ranksum whose value is the value of the rank sum statistic, and that for large samples contains a field named zval that is the value of the normal (Z) statistic used to compute the p-value p.


The schart default for conf changed to 99.73% to conform to the standard s-chart definition.


The signrank function has the following enhancements:


The signtest function has the following enhancements:

tcdf, tinv, tpdf, trnd, tstat

The tcdf, tinv, tpdf, trnd, and tstat functions now accept noninteger degrees of freedom.


The ttest function has these enhancements:


The ttest2 function has these enhancements:


The weibplot function strips NaN values individually from each column of x.


The xbarplot function has these enhancements:


The ztest function has these enhancements:

 Updated Functions for ANOVA-Type Tables