Spline Toolbox Release Notes    

Spline Toolbox 3.1.1 Release Notes

New Features

Smoothing Splines for Scattered Bivariate Data

splinetool Command History M-File

Spline-Specific Zero Finder

Spline-Specific Minimum Finder

Function Summary

Major Bug Fixes

Upgrading from an Earlier Release

Use playshow Command to Run Slideshow Style Demos

Spline Toolbox 3.0 Release Notes

New Features

Spline Tool Provides a Visual Interface to the Spline Toolbox

Automatic Knot Choice Simplifies Use of spapi and spap2

Automatic Smoothing Parameter Choice Simplifies Use of

Use of Rational Splines

B-Spline Visual Interface

Other New Functions

Other Enhancements

Major Bug Fix

spmak and ppmak Use Size Argument to Correctly Construct
Multivariate Splines

Upgrading from an Earlier Release

optknt and newknt Output No Longer Needs To Be Run
Through augknt

  Spline Toolbox Release Notes Spline Toolbox 3.1.1 Release Notes