Simulink Performance Tools Release Notes |
Model Coverage Tool
This section describes features and enhancements added to the Model Coverage Tool.
Additional Coverage Types
This version adds the following types of coverage analysis:
- Examines blocks that output the logical combination of their inputs, e.g., the Logic block, and Stateflow transitions. A test case achieves full coverage if it causes each input to each instance of a logic block in the model and each condition on a transition to be true at least once during the simulation and false at least once during the simulation.
- Modified condition/decision coverage (MC/DC)
- Examines blocks that output the logical combination of their inputs, e.g., the Logic block, and Stateflow transitions to determine the extent to which the test case tests the independence of logical inputs and transition conditions.
- Look-up table (LUT) coverage
- Examines blocks, such as the Look-Up Table block, that output the result of looking up one or more inputs in a table of inputs and outputs, interpolating between or extrapolating from table entries as necessary. Lookup table coverage records the frequency that table lookups use at each interpolation interval.
See Coverage Analysis in the "Model Coverage Tool" section of Using Simulink for more information.
Additional Covered Block Types
This version covers the following additional block types:
- Look-Up Table
- Look-Up Table (2-D)
- Combinatorial Logic
- For
- If
- Logic
- MinMax
- Relay
- SwitchCase
- While
See Covered Blocks in the "Model Coverage Tool" section of Using Simulink for more information.
Additional Coverage Reporting Options
This version provides the following additional coverage reporting options:
- Include each test in the model summary
- Produce bar graphs in the model summary
- Use two color bar graphs
- Display hit/count ratio in the model summary
- Don't report fully covered model objects
See HTML Settings in the "Model Coverage Tool" section Using Simulink for more information.
Hyperlink Enhancements
When you click a hyperlink to the model in a coverage report, the tool now opens the model, if it is not already open. Hyperlinks to the model in the coverage report now persist across Simulink sessions. This means that you no longer have to regenerate a report in order to use its hyperlinks.
| Simulink Performance Tools 1.1 Release Notes | | Graphical Merge Tool |  |