Simulink Release Notes    

Block Library

This section describes enhancements to the Simulink block libraries.

Product Block

The Product block now supports both element-by-element and matrix multiplication and inversion of inputs. The block's parameter dialog includes a new Multiplication parameter that allows you to specify whether the block should multiply or invert inputs element-by-element or matrix-by-matrix.

Gain Block

The Gain block now supports matrix as well as element-wise multiplication of the input signal by a gain factor. Both input signals and gain factors can be matrices. The block's parameter dialog includes a new Multiplication parameter that allows you to choose the following options:

Math Function Block

The Math Function block adds two new matrix-specific functions: transpose and Hermitian. The first function outputs the transpose of the input matrix. The second function outputs the complex conjugate transpose (Hermitian) of the input matrix.

Reshape Block

Simulink 4.0 introduces the Reshape block, which changes the dimensionality of its input signals, based on an Output dimensionality parameter that you specify. For example, the block can change an n-element vector to a 1-by-N or N-by-1 matrix signal and vice versa. You can find the Reshape block in the Simulink Signals & Systems library.

Multiplexing Matrix Signals

The Simulink Mux, Demux, and Bus Selector blocks have been enhanced to support multiplexing of matrix signals.

Function Call Iteration Parameter

Simulink 4.0 adds a Number of iterations parameter to the Function Call Generator block. This parameter allows you to specify the number of times the target block is called per time step.

Probing Signal Dimensionality

The Probe block now optionally outputs the dimensionality of the signal connected to its input.

Configurable Subsystem

The Configurable Subsystem block has been reimplemented to make it easier to use. The configurable subsystem block now has a Blocks menu that allows you to choose which block the subsystem represents. To display the menu, select the configurable subsystem and then Blocks from the Simulink editor's Edit or context (right click) menu.

Look-Up Table Blocks

This release provides four new Look-Up Table (LUT) blocks.

The blocks reside in the Simulink Functions and Tables block library.

Polynomial Block

The Polynomial block outputs a polynomial function of its input. The block resides in the Simulink Functions and Tables block library.

Signal Specification

The Signal Specification block allows you to specify the attributes that the input signal must satisfy. If the input signal does not meet the specification, the block generates an error.

ADA S-Functions

Simulink now supports S-functions coded in ADA. See Creating Ada S-Functions in Writing S-Functions for more information.

Bitwise Logical Operator Block

The Bitwise Logical Operator block is a new block that logically masks, inverts, or shifts the bits of an unsigned integer signal. See the online Simulink documentation for details.

Atomic Subsystems

Simulink 4.0 allows you to designate subsystems as atomic as opposed to virtual. An atomic subsystem is a true subsystem. When simulating a model, Simulink executes all blocks contained by an atomic subsystem block before executing the next block of the containing model (or atomic subsystem).

By declaring a subsystem atomic, you guarantee that Simulink completes execution of the subsystem before executing any other blocks at the same level in the model hierarchy. See Atomic Versus Virtual Subsystems in Using Simulink for more information.

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