Signal Processing Toolbox 6.0 Release Notes

    New Features
        Digital Filter Objects
        Window Design and Analysis Tool
        Window Visualization Tool
        Window Objects
        Window Function
        New Windows
        Gaussian Filter Function
        New Analysis Functions
        Improvements to grpdelay
        stepz Function
        digitrevorder Function
        FDATool Enhancements
        FVTool Enhancements

    Major Bug Fixes
    Platform Limitations
        FDATool -- 800 x 600 Resolution

    Upgrading from an Earlier Release
        Obsolete Function

    Known Software and Documentation Problems

Signal Processing Toolbox 5.1 Release Notes

    New Features
        Filter Visualization Tool
        New Windows
        New Signal Demo

        FDATool Enhancements
        SPTool Enhancement
        Enhanced Functions

    Major Bug Fixes
        Bug Fixes Incorporated from Release 12.0

    Known Software Problem
        FDATool and FVTool Pole/Zero Plot
        FDATool and FVTool Magnitude and Phase Plot

Signal Processing Toolbox 5.0 Release Notes

    New Features
        Filter Design & Analysis Tool (FDATool)
        Spectrogram Demo
        Automatic Order Adjustment in FIR Filter Functions

    Major Bug Fixes
    Upgrading from an Earlier Release
        Changes to remez