Real-Time Windows Target Release Notes    

Chapter 1
Real-Time Windows Target 2.2 Release Notes

Product and Documentation Update

This section introduces three new features added to the Real-Time Windows Target 2.2.

Support for Microsoft Visual C/C++ Version 7.0

The Real-Time Windows Target 2.2 now supports Microsoft Visual C/C++ Version 7.0.

Counter Input and Encoder Input Blocks

The documentation now includes a description of the Counter Input block and the Encoder Input block. These Real-Time Windows Target blocks allow you to select and connect specific counter and encoder input channels to your Simulink model.

Supported I/O Boards

The Real-Time Windows Target 2.2 I/O library supports over 200 different I/O boards from major manufacturers. The documentation has been updated to include additional descriptions of these supported boards.

  Real-Time Windows Target Release Notes Real-Time Windows Target 2.0 Release Notes