MATLAB and Simulink Report Generator Release Notes    

Chapter 2
MATLAB and Simulink Report Generator 1.2 Release Notes

New Features

This section introduces the new features and enhancements added in the Report Generator 1.2 since the Report Generator 1.1 (Release 12.0).

Simulink Report Generator New Features

Block Type: Look-Up Table Component Reports on N-D Look-Up Tables

The Simulink Report Generator 1.2 component Block Type: Look-Up Table allows you to report on the following N-D Simulink look-up tables, in addition to the Look-Up Table and Look-Up Table (2-D) that were supported in earlier releases:

Note that the table created for the N-D data is a 2-D slice through the N-D data.

Real-Time Workshop Requirement Removed for Some Components

The By simulation order option for sorting blocks no longer requires having the Real-Time Workshop product installed. The components affected by the removal of the Real-Time Workshop requirement for this option are:

Also, the Block Execution Order component no longer requires Real-Time Workshop.

Image Titles for Snapshot Components

You can add titles to images for the System Snapshot and Stateflow Snapshot (chart) components. This is in addition to the caption option that was available in earlier releases.

  Known Software and Documentation Problems Upgrading from an Earlier Release