Image Processing Toolbox Release Notes    

Major Bug Fixes

The Image Processing Toolbox 2.2.2 includes several important bug fixes that were made in the Image Processing Toolbox 2.2.1 (Release 11.1). This section describes the bugs and how they have been fixed.

imshow Fixes

You can now display the same image twice using imshow, without the previous problem of having the images appear to move slightly the second time.

Also, you can now use the syntax imshow(I,[]) when all the elements of I are the same. Now imshow displays I using an intermediate shade of gray. Previously, imshow would generate an error for this case. (This fix was introduced in the Image Processing Toolbox 2.2.1 (Release 11.1).)

bwlabel Segmentation Violation Eliminated

You can now pass a matrix to bwlabel that contains values other than 0 or 1. bwlabel treats any nonzero element as an object element. Previously, bwlabel would cause a segmentation violation for this case. (This fix was introduced in the Image Processing Toolbox 2.2.1 (Release 11.1).)

dilate And erode Return Correct Answers

The dilate and erode functions now return the correct answer in all cases. In prior versions of the Image Processing Toolbox, in some cases these functions returned the incorrect answer if you specified the frequency-domain option with a structuring element that contained more than 255 elements.

freqz2 Fixes

The freqz2 function now returns correct values for the frequency scaling. Also, freqz2 no longer uses an excessive amount of memory.

fspecial Function's `LoG' Option

The Log option of the fspecial function now returns correctly scaled values.

Improved Display for imcrop, improfile, and roipoly

The animated lines that the imcrop, improfile, and roipoly functions display on top of images are now displayed clearly.

 Image Processing Toolbox 2.2.2 Release Notes