Block Name
Compute a cumulative sum.
Accumulator Resettable
Compute a cumulative sum with external Boolean reset.
Accumulator Resettable Limited
Compute a limited cumulative sum with external Boolean reset.
Bit Clear
Set the specified bit of the stored integer to zero.
Bit Set
Set the specified bit of the stored integer to one.
Compare To Constant
Logic & Comparison
Determine if a signal is equal to the specified constant.
Compare To Zero
Logic & Comparison
Determine if a signal is equal to zero.
Implement a sine wave in fixed-point using a lookup table approach that exploits quarter wave symmetry.
Counter Free
Count up and overflow back to zero after the maximum value possible is reached for the specified number of bits.
Counter Limited
Count up, and wrap back to zero after outputting the specified upper limit.
Data Type Duplicate
Data Type
Set all inputs to the same data type.
Dead Zone Dynamic
Set the input within the bounds to zero.
Decrement Real World
Decrease the real world value of the signal by one
Decrement Stored Integer
Decrease the stored value of a signal by one
Decrement Time To Zero
Decrease the real world value of the signal by the sample time, but only to zero.
Decrement To Zero
Decrease the real world value of a signal by one, but only to zero.
Compute a discrete time derivative.
Detect Change
Edge Detect
Detect a change in a signal's value.
Detect Decrease
Edge Detect
Detect a decrease in a signal's value.
Detect Fall Negative
Edge Detect
Detect a falling edge when the signal's value decreases to a strictly negative value, and its previous value was nonnegative.
Detect Fall Nonpositive
Edge Detect
Detect a falling edge when the signal's value decreases to a nonpositive value, and its previous value was strictly positive.
Detect Increase
Edge Detect
Detect an increase in a signal's value.
Detect Rise Nonnegative
Edge Detect
Detect a rising edge when a signal's value increases to a nonnegative value, and its previous value was strictly negative.
Detect Rise Positive
Edge Detect
Detect a rising edge when a signal's value increases to a strictly positive value, and its previous value was nonpositive.
Calculate the change in a signal over one time step.
Filter Direct Form I
Implement a Direct Form I realization of a filter.
Filter Direct Form I Time Varying
Implement a time varying Direct Form I realization of a filter.
Filter Direct Form II
Implement a Direct Form II realization of a filter.
Filter Direct Form II Time Varying
Implement a time varying Direct Form II realization of a filter.
Filter First Order
Implement a discrete-time first order filter.
Filter Lead or Lag
Implement a discrete-time lead or lag filter.
Filter Real Zero
Implement a discrete time filter that has a real zero and no pole.
Increment Real World
Increase the real world value of the signal by one.
Increment Stored Integer
Increase the stored integer value of a signal by one.
Integrator Backward
Perform discrete-time integration of a signal using the backward method.
Integrator Backward Resettable
Perform discrete-time integration of a signal using the backward method, with external Boolean reset.
Integrator Backward Resettable Limited
Perform discrete-time limited integration of a signal using the backward method, with external Boolean reset.
Integrator Forward
Perform discrete-time integration of a signal using the forward method.
Integrator Forward Resettable
Perform discrete-time integration of a signal using the forward method, with external Boolean reset.
Integrator Forward Resettable Limited
Perform discrete-time limited integration of a signal using the forward method, with external Boolean reset.
Integrator Trapezoidal
Perform discrete-time integration of a signal using the trapezoidal method.
Integrator Trapezoidal Resettable
Perform discrete-time integration of a signal using the trapezoidal method, with external Boolean reset.
Integrator Trapezoidal Resettable Limited
Perform discrete-time limited integration of a signal using the trapezoidal method, with external Boolean reset.
Interval Test
Logic & Comparison
Determine if a signal is in a specified interval.
Interval Test Dynamic
Logic & Comparison
Determine if a signal is in a specified interval.
MinMax Running Resettable
Determine the minimum or maximum of a signal over time.
Rate Limiter
Limit the rising and falling rates of the signal.
Rate Limiter Dynamic
Limit the rising and falling rates of the signal.
Repeating Sequence Interpolated
Output a discrete-time sequence and repeat, interpolating between data points
Repeating Sequence Stair
Output a discrete time sequence and repeat.
Sample Time Multiply
Support calculations involving sample time.
Saturation Dynamic
Bound the range of the input.
Scaling Strip
Data Type
Remove scaling and map to a built in integer.
Implement a sine wave in fixed-point using a lookup table approach that exploits quarter wave symmetry.
Implement discrete-time state space.
Unit Delay
Delays & Holds
Delay a signal one sample period.
Unit Delay Enabled
Delays & Holds
Delay a signal one sample period.
Unit Delay Enabled External IC
Delays & Holds
Delay a signal one sample period.
Unit Delay Enabled Resettable
Delays & Holds
Delay a signal one sample period.
Unit Delay Enabled Resettable External IC
Delays & Holds
Delay a signal one sample period.
Unit Delay External IC
Delays & Holds
Delay a signal one sample period.
Unit Delay Resettable
Delays & Holds
Delay a signal one sample period.
Unit Delay Resettable External IC
Delays & Holds
Delay a signal one sample period.
Unit Delay With Preview Enabled
Delays & Holds
Support calculations that have feedback and depend on the current input.
Unit Delay With Preview Enabled Resettable
Delays & Holds
Support calculations that have feedback and depend on the current input.
Unit Delay With Preview Enabled Resettable External RV
Delays & Holds
Support calculations that have feedback and depend on the current input.
Unit Delay With Preview Resettable
Delays & Holds
Support calculations that have feedback and depend on the current input.
Unit Delay With Preview Resettable External RV
Delays & Holds
Support calculations that have feedback and depend on the current input.
Wrap To Zero
Set output to zero if input is above threshold.