DSP Blockset Release Notes |
Smaller, Faster Generated C Code That Requires Less RAM
Real-Time Workshop (RTW) ANSI C code generated from DSP Blockset blocks is now smaller, faster, and requires less RAM, largely due to the following enhancements:
- Function reuse (run-time libraries) -- The code generated from most blocks now reuses common algorithmic functions from ANSI C run-time libraries, leading to smaller generated code. In addition, the functions in the run-time libraries are highly optimized, resulting in faster generated code that requires less RAM.
- Parameter reuse (RTW run-time parameters) -- For most blocks, if there are multiple instances of a block that all have the same value for a specific parameter, each block instance points to the same variable in the generated code, thereby reducing memory requirements.
For more information, see the topic on code generation support in the DSP Blockset documentation.
| Full Support of Embedded Real-Time (ERT) C Code Generation | | Full Boolean Data Type Support |  |