Release 13 Release Notes |
Communications Toolbox 2.1
New Communications Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Communications Toolbox 2.1 Release Notes, include
- New data type that supports computations in Galois fields having 2m elements
- Enhanced support for Reed-Solomon encoding and decoding, including shortened codes
- New support for arithmetic encoding and decoding
Control System Toolbox 5.2
New Control System Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Control System Toolbox 5.2 Release Notes, include
- SISO Design Tool
- New feedback structures
- A new Analysis menu for loop responses, including new input and output disturbance plots
- Seamless importation of models from the System Identification Toolbox
- LTI Viewer
- Unrestricted import of MIMO LTI models with unequal numbers of inputs and/or unequal numbers of outputs
- The zoom property has been removed from the right-click menu and is now located on a new toolbar.
- Seamless importation of models from the System Identification Toolbox
- Response Plots
- Normalization of time plots for easy trend comparison
- Driving input signal shown in linear simulation (
) plots
- Standard zooming with all response plots
- A new function,
, that maps poles and zeros for I/O pairs
Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.2
New Data Acquisition Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.2 Release Notes, include
- Support for Keithley hardware
- Support for the parallel port
- The data acquisition Oscilloscope GUI for streaming data into a graphical display
- Ability to configure properties and view information associated with device objects using the MATLAB Workspace browser
Excel Link 2.0
New Excel Link features, documented in more detail in the Excel Link 2.0 Release Notes, include support for Windows 2000 and two new data management functions.
Filter Design Toolbox 2.2
New Filter Design Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Filter Design Toolbox 2.2 Release Notes, include
- Additional filter transformation functions
- Updated quantized filter structures
- Enhanced minimum phase filter design functions
- New filter design functions
- Support for word lengths greater than 53 bits, up to the memory available on your machine
- New quantizer error analysis functions
Financial Derivatives Toolbox 2.0
New Financial Derivatives Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Financial Derivatives Toolbox 2.0 Release Notes, include adding support for the Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) model for pricing interest rate derivatives.
Financial Time Series Toolbox 2.0
New Financial Time Series Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Financial Time Series Toolbox 2.0 Release Notes, include
- Support for financial time series objects incorporating time-of-day information (hourly and minute time series)
- Improved displays produced by
and ftsgui
Image Processing Toolbox 3.2
New Image Processing Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Image Processing Toolbox 3.2 Release Notes, include
- Support for the new MATLAB
data type. Toolbox functions that return binary images now use this new data type. In previous releases, binary images were returned as uint8
arrays with the logical flag set.
- Support for writing MATLAB data in DICOM format with the new
Instrument Control Toolbox 1.2
New Instrument Control Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Instrument Control Toolbox 1.2 Release Notes, include
- Support for networked instruments using the TCP/IP or UDP protocol
- Support for Rohde & Schwarz hardware using the VISA standard
- Configuration of instrument object properties with the property inspector
- Configuration of properties and view information associated with instrument objects using the MATLAB Workspace browser
Mapping Toolbox 1.3
New Mapping Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Mapping Toolbox 1.3 Release Notes, include
- New and enhanced map display functions
- Updated atlas data
Optimization Toolbox 2.2
New Optimization Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Optimization Toolbox 2.2 Release Notes, include Trust-region dogleg algorithm for solution of medium-scale systems of equations.
Signal Processing Toolbox 6.0
New Signal Processing Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Signal Processing Toolbox 6.0 Release Notes, include
- Object-oriented digital filter object (
) and window (sigwin
) objects
- Window Design and Analysis Tool for designing and comparing windows
- Window Visualization Tool for displaying windows
- New functions for
- Windows--Parzen and Flat Top
- Filters--FIR Gaussian
- Filter analysis--new phase response, phase delay, and zero-phase response functions; improved group delay response accuracy; and step response availability from the command line
- Coefficient ordering--digit reversal ordering
- Major enhancements to the Filter Design and Analysis Tool (FDATool) and to the Filter Visualization Tool (FVTool)
- Spectral estimation demo
Spline Toolbox 3.1.1
New Spline Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Spline Toolbox 3.1.1 Release Notes, include
- Creation of smoothing splines for ungridded bivariate data, z = f(x,y), using thin-plate splines; also creation of the first and second order derivatives
- For the Spline Toolbox GUI, generation of an M-file that reproduces the current figure
- Finding the roots of the univariate spline in a given function
- Obtaining the minimum or maximum value of the univariate spline and its location in a given function
Statistics Toolbox 4.0
New Statistics Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Statistics Toolbox 4.0 Release Notes, include
- Decision trees for nonparamentric regression and classification
- Maximum likelihood factor analysis
- K-means clustering
- Classical multidimensional scaling
- Canonical correlation analysis
- Central composite and Box-Behnken designs
- Wishart matrices and latin hypercube sampling
Virtual Reality Toolbox 3.0
New Virtual Reality Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Virtual Reality Toolbox 3.0 Release Notes, include
- Support for both PC and UNIX/Linux platforms
- New internal viewer that you can use to view virtual worlds
- Faster communication between the Virtual Reality Toolbox and VRML-enabled Web browsers
Wavelet Toolbox 2.2
New Wavelet Toolbox features, documented in more detail in the Wavelet Toolbox 2.2 Release Notes, include
- New wavelet energy function
- Ability to load
and .au
files directly into the Wavelet Toolbox GUI
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