Release 13 Release Notes    

Platform Limitations

For Release 13, all the features described in these Release Notes and in the Release 13 documentation are supported in full for the following platforms:

The MathWorks Web site provides a complete description of system requirements for MathWorks products.

Macintosh Platform Release Notes

The Macintosh-specific information for this release of MATLAB® is organized in one document, called Installing and Using MATLAB on Mac OS X. This document describes

In the Help browser, you can access Installing and Using MATLAB on Mac OS X under "Installation" near the top of the Contents pane.

Windows 95 No Longer Supported

MathWorks products in Release 13 no longer support Microsoft Windows 95.

Differences for the HP and IBM Platforms

Because of problems with the Java VM, there are limitations for MATLAB on the HP and IBM platforms.

HP 11.0 (HP UX)
Graphical user interfaces that are based on Java, such as the MATLAB desktop, are not available. Access to Java from MATLAB is supported.
HP 10.2 (HP 700)
Java-based tools and applications are not supported.

Alternatives for most tools are available and are documented in the following table. The table summarizes the products with limitations for these platforms.

For details on limitations and the alternatives, see the sections of the online version of the Release Notes for the product(s) of interest to you. If a product is not listed in the following table, it has no platform limitations.

Limitations on HP and IBM Platforms

  • Development Environment
The MATLAB desktop and many of its tools are not supported. For details, see Development Environment Limitations in the MATLAB Release Notes.
  • Mathematics
The Basic Fitting interface is not supported. Instead, use the command line curve fitting capabilities.
  • Graphics
The Property Editor and Data Statistics tools are not supported. For details, see Graphics Limitations in the MATLAB Release Notes.

To print, use the Release 11 Page Setup, Print Setup, and Print dialog boxes.
Not supported. Instead, use functions to create graphical user interfaces.


Control System Toolbox
The Toolbox Preferences Editor and Response Property Editor are not supported. The LTI Viewer Preferences Editor is supported with a reduced set of features (no tools to set preferences for grids, fonts, colors, or phase wrapping).
The following features are not supported for the SISO Design Tool:
  • Preference and property editing
  • Compensator Format editing
  • Storing and retrieving compensators
In addition, the SISO Tool Export window has fewer choices available for export.
Database Toolbox
Not supported on the HP 10.2 (HP 700) platform.
Image Processing Toolbox
The cpselect GUI is not supported.
Neural Network Toolbox
The Neural Network Tool, a graphical user interface for the Neural Network Toolbox, is not supported. You can achieve the same functionality by using the MATLAB Command Window.
Virtual Reality Toolbox

Not supported on HP and IBM.
Simulink Products

The following Simulink features are not supported:
  • Simulink Editor's Find dialog. Use the find_system command instead.
  • GUI interface to the Simulink Debugger. Use the command-line interface instead.
  • The View Changes dialog box for modified library links. See the Platform Limitations section of the Simulink Release Notes for an alternative.
  • Parameter dialog for the Configurable Subsystem block. Use the set_param command instead to set the block's parameters.
  • New version of the Mask Editor
  • New version of the Diagnostic Viewer
  • Model Discretizer
  • Print Details dialog
  • Simulink print-as-book feature
  • Simulink Data Class Designer
  • S-Function Builder
Real-Time Workshop
Instead of the Model Parameter Configuration dialog box, the Tunable Parameters dialog box is used.
Simulink Performance Tools
The Model Differences Tool is not supported.
Requirements Management Interface
Not supported.
DSP Blockset
Same limitations as Simulink.

Problems Entering Accented Characters on Linux

On Linux platforms, using an accent key to accent a character in a two-stroke sequence in a MATLAB window, such as ^e for ê or ~n for ñ, may cause MATLAB to hang. To avoid this problem in MATLAB, use matlab -nodesktop.

With Simulink, avoid the use of these keystrokes. To use characters such as the caret ^ when it is mapped as a dead-accent key, you must paste it into the MATLAB IDE from a non MATLAB window, such as an xterm, or use the power and mpower functions directly.

Problems Entering Accented Characters on UNIX Platforms

Keys for accented characters, such as Ü on German keyboards and Å on Swedish keyboards, are ignored in the IDE. Pasting these characters into MATLAB windows results in the character value 128 instead of the actual character value. For example, pasting the string double('ÅÄÖåäöü') into MATLAB appears as

  Maximum Name Length Changed for Variables, Functions, Files Installation Notes