MATLAB Installation Guide for Unix    

License Manager Daemon

The FLEXlm license manager daemon (lmgrd) runs as a background process on a network node. This daemon is responsible for managing the initial communication between client applications, such as MATLAB, and vendor daemons. Client applications contact the license manager daemon to request permission to run licensed software. The license manager daemon forwards the request to the vendor daemon, which grants or denies access to the software, depending on the availability of license keys. The license manager daemon is also responsible for starting and stopping the vendor daemons.

By default, The MathWorks installs the license manager daemon in a subdirectory of the MATLAB installation directory,

where $ARCH is a platform-specific name. For example, on a Sun system the directory name is $MATLAB/etc/sol2.

This eases the installation task and prevents conflict with other applications that use FLEXlm license management. You can run several license manager daemons on the same system.

Vendor Daemon

Every vendor that uses FLEXlm to manage the licensing of its products must supply a vendor daemon. The vendor daemon is responsible for keeping track of how many license keys are checked out for each product it controls.

By default, The MathWorks installs its vendor daemon (lm_matlab) in


When a user invokes MATLAB anywhere on the network, MATLAB communicates with the license manager daemon on the license server. The license manager forwards the request to the vendor daemon. The vendor daemon checks out a license key for the product. This license key checkout is transparent to MATLAB users.

The license manager program reads a license file to determine the numbers of keys you have purchased for each product.

  Licensing Components License File