MATLAB Installation Guide for Unix    

Specifying Print Options

MATLAB includes default settings for the various options to the print command. If you want to change the site-wide default settings for printing device type and location, you can edit the M-file printopt.m, located in the directory $MATLAB/toolbox/local. This file contains the options for the print command that MATLAB uses.

Specify Documentation Viewing Options

Using MATLAB preferences or the docopt.m option file, you can specify either of these two documentation viewing options:

If MATLAB supports its Java-based desktop on your UNIX system, you can use the MATLAB desktop preferences mechanism to specify the values of these options. (By default, MATLAB uses the desktop's Help browser to display HTML documentation.) To modify these documentation viewing options, choose the Preferences option on the MATLAB File menu and select the Help option. (See the Release Notes documentation for information about platform support for Java.)

If MATLAB does not support the desktop on your UNIX system, you can specify values for these options by editing the docopt.m M-file, located in the $MATLAB/toolbox/local directory. Use this options file to specify an alternative Web browser, additional initial browser options, or a different initial path to the viewable documentation.

Viewing Documentation

The documentation commands available at the MATLAB command prompt are

Starts the MATLAB Help browser
help function
Displays M-file help for function
Displays a list of MATLAB help topics in the Help browser
Starts the MATLAB Help browser, which provides access to the full documentation set, including HTML and PDF formatted documents

Viewing the PDF files requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Additional information about Acrobat Reader is available at

Specifying MATLAB Startup Options

You can specify startup welcome messages, default definitions, or any MATLAB expressions that you want to run for all users. To do this, edit the M-file matlabrc.m in $MATLAB/toolbox/local, which is invoked automatically each time a user starts MATLAB.

If you do not have write access to matlabrc.m, you can include these same commands in a file called startup.m and store it in the top-level MATLAB directory.

Configuring MATLAB Products

Certain products in the MATLAB family of products may require configuration after installing. The documentation for each product describes additional configuration, if it is required.

For example, if you installed the MATLAB Runtime Server, you must run the rtsetup command to provide your copy of MATLAB with a password of your choosing.

  Starting MATLAB Installing Additional Products