MATLAB Installation Guide for Windows    

Specifying the License File Location on Client Installations

For MATLAB client installations, you must specify the location of the processed License File created by the installer during the license manager installation on the license server. (Processed license files contain the SERVER and DAEMON lines. See License File for more information.) This table lists the location of the processed License File on PC and UNIX license servers.

License Server Platform
Location of Processed License File on Server

In a client installation, the installer replaces the DAEMON line with the line USE_SERVER. The installer puts this version of the License File in the $MATLAB\bin\win32 directory.

If your license server is a UNIX system, you must remove the UNIX line-ending characters from the license.dat file before using it on a PC. For example, on Sun systems, use the unix2dos utility to perform this function.

  Installing MATLAB on a Client System After You Install