Installing and Using MATLAB on Mac OS X    

Supported Products

This release supports many of the MathWorks products that are available on UNIX. For a complete list of supported products, see Platform/Version Availability in the Products section of

Unsupported Products

These products are not supported on the Macintosh.

Data Acquisition Toolbox
MATLAB Runtime Server
Datafeed Toolbox
MATLAB Web Server
Embedded Target for TI C6000TM DSP
Model-Based Calibration Toolbox
Dials & Gauges Blockset
Motorola DSP Developer's Kit
Excel Link
Real-Time Windows Target
Instrument Control Toolbox
Symbolic / Extended Symbolic Toolbox
Virtual Reality Toolbox
MATLAB Excel Builder
xPC Target
MATLAB Link for Code Composer StudioTM
xPC Target Embedded Option

  System Requirements Documentation