Sol is a new Internet programming language designed as an elegant alternative to Java. Sol has a beautiful Scheme-derived syntax and is an ideal choice for coding computational design work, simulation, or any other application in which coding elegance and portability are an issue.
I haven't contacted anyone because I'm still waiting on the official
wording of the license. I'm also writing some README stuff for the
distribution and fixing some other minor problems. I'll release the
alpha as soon as I'm sure the license is right, hopefully by the end
of the week (June 20, 1999). We're getting closer...
Mon Jun
14 03:23:11 EDT 1999
Update II, the sequel
Ok, I've persist in being totally lame. I haven't managed to get the
Final Word on the open-source license at the media lab. I'm now
heavily involved in a SIGGRAPH project and won't be able to do more on
this until July 4, at the earliest, and maybe not until mid August
after SIGGRAPH. Yes, I really am going to make this work. I've spent
two years on Sol and I'm not going to let it die.
Thu June 24 00:35:15 EDT 1999
Sol extends the syntax of Scheme LISP with concepts borrowed from set and category theory, to create a language that is beautiful, powerful, and concise. Although inspired by abstract and formal ideas from mathematics, the intent of Sol is to provide means of expressing parallel and sequential computation that is practical and useful, as well as elegant and beautiful.
Sol is inspired by the idea that there is an underlying aesthetic to coding, that the beauty of algorithms (like the beauty mathematics generally) is a wonderful and real thing, but that the means of expression commonly available to programmers is pretty ugly. There has long been the notion of a trade-off between the practicality of a programming language and it's elegance. Sol is an attempt to create a language which is both practical and beautiful, in which it is possible both to get the job done and to express the underlying beauty of the solution. Every programming language is a medium of expression --- Sol is an attempt to create a medium as beautiful as the message.
Much of Sol is currently implemented as an embedded language in R4RS Scheme. However, Sol is moving towards an optimized Java implementation based on the Kawa Scheme to Java-VM compiler. For more information on Scheme, see the MIT Scheme home page at