Tracing Ripple Sort


RippleSortTraceApplet is an emergent design sketch. This applet visualizes the operation of a parallel ripple-sort algorithm using colored lines. This version differs from the previous Ripple Sort applet in its use of SetView, a simple tool for tracking the evolution of a Sol set through time.

After the aesthetic ripple-sort visualization appears in your browser, an addition window will appear with a technical visualization of process of the algorithm. Each row in the SetView window represents a set, which in turn encodes the state of the sorting process at that iteration. Each triangle represents an element, and lines are drawn connecting parent elements to child elements. Lines with a dot indicate equality. The even-odd rule, and some other details of the algorithm implementation not visible in the aesthetic visualization are apparent in the SetView visualization. SetView works with any succession of Sol sets produced through set operations.


Sit back and watch it run. It may take some time to load.

last updated Wed Nov 11 03:30:10 EST 1998