Computer Graphics Workshop '97 PS4 Solutions | 1/17/97 |
;;; Problem 4-1 (define root (new-SoSeparator)) (-> root 'ref) (define cannon-sep (new-SoSeparator)) (-> root 'addChild cannon-sep) (define cannon-base (new-SoCube)) (-> (-> cannon-base 'width) 'setValue 4) (-> cannon-sep 'addChild cannon-base) (define cannon-xform (new-SoTransform)) (-> cannon-sep 'addChild cannon-xform) (-> (-> cannon-xform 'translation) 'setValue 0 4.0 0) (define cannon-tube (new-SoCylinder)) (-> cannon-sep 'addChild cannon-tube) (-> (-> cannon-tube 'height) 'setValue 6.0) (define target-sep (new-SoSeparator)) (-> root 'addChild target-sep) (define target-manip (new-SoHandleBoxManip)) (-> target-sep 'addChild target-manip) (-> (-> target-manip 'translation) 'setValue 5 15 2) (define target-mat (new-SoMaterial)) (-> target-sep 'addChild target-mat) (define target (new-SoSphere)) (-> (-> target 'radius) 'setValue 0.5) (-> target-sep 'addChild target) ;; Definition of callback which the field sensor uses. ;; Each time the translation field of the manipulator changes, ;; this function automatically gets called. (define (field-sensor-cb data sensor) (let* ((target-translation (-> (-> target-manip 'translation) 'getValue)) (x (-> target-translation 'operator-brackets 0)) (y (-> target-translation 'operator-brackets 1)) (z (-> target-translation 'operator-brackets 2))) (if (< y 7.5) (-> (-> target-mat 'diffuseColor) 'setValue 0.8 0.8 0.8) (let ((target-dist (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* z z))))) (if (> target-dist 1.5) (-> (-> target-mat 'diffuseColor) 'setValue 0.8 0.8 0.8) (-> (-> target-mat 'diffuseColor) 'setValue 0.8 0.2 0.2)))))) ;; Creation of the sensor. (define field-sensor (sensor new-SoFieldSensor field-sensor-cb)) ;; Attaching the field sensor to the translation field (-> field-sensor 'attach (-> target-manip 'translation)) ;; Make a viewer (define viewer (examiner root)) ;; Set viewing mode (-> viewer 'setViewing 0)
;;; Problem 4-2 (load "ps3-4") ;; Function which creates a new ValueSlider object ("constructor") (define (new-ValueSlider min-value max-value current-value title) ;; build internal scene graph for ValueSlider (define root (new-SoSeparator)) (send root 'ref) ;; SoFont node changes size of font used for SoText3 (define font (new-SoFont)) (send root 'addChild font) (send (send font 'size) 'setValue 0.5) ;; SoText3 node for the text this object will display (define text (new-SoText3)) (send root 'addChild text) (send (send text 'justification) 'setValue SoText3::CENTER) (send (send text 'string) 'set1Value 0 (new-SbString title)) (send (send text 'string) 'set1Value 1 (new-SbString (number->string current-value))) ;; Dragger which this object uses (define dragger (new-SoTranslate1Dragger)) (send root 'addChild dragger) (send (send dragger 'translation) 'setValue current-value -1 0) ;; List of functions we will call when slider's value changes (define callback-list '()) ;; Message passing system (let ((self (lambda (message) ;; Methods: (cond ((eq? message 'getGeometry) (lambda (self) root)) ;; Returns the callback that the dragger will call when its ;; value changes. *NOTE* that because this function is scoped ;; within the method, it has access to the "self" variable. ;; You can't do this in C++ (without a lot of effort)! ((eq? message 'getValueChangedCallback) (lambda (self) (lambda (user-data dragger) (send self 'updateValue)))) ;; Function which ultimately gets called ;; whenever the dragger moves. ((eq? message 'updateValue) (lambda (self) (let* ((vec (send (send dragger 'translation) 'getValue)) ;; Get horizontal component of translation (new-value (send vec 'operator-brackets 0))) (if (and (>= new-value min-value) (<= new-value max-value)) ;; constrain dragger ;; between min and max (set! current-value new-value) ;; if true already, ;; do nothing ;; NOTE: The first and last of the following 4 steps can ;; only be performed in Inventor 2.1 or above. ;; Because of this, and because of apparent problems with ;; calling the value changed callback from within itself, ;; we are using a motion callback and ignoring steps ;; 1 and 4 in the list below. ;; If dragger is beyond min or max, do the following: ;; 1. Disable value changed callbacks ;; 2. Set the dragger's translation using the setValue ;; method on its translation field ;; 3. Set our internal notion of the current value ;; appropriately ;; 4. Reenable value changed callbacks. (begin (if (< new-value min-value) (begin (set! current-value min-value) (send (send dragger 'translation) 'setValue min-value -1 0)) (begin (set! current-value max-value) (send (send dragger 'translation) 'setValue max-value -1 0))))) ;; Always update text to our notion of the current value. (send (send text 'string) 'set1Value 1 (new-SbString (number->string current-value))) ;; call output callbacks (for-each (lambda (callback) (callback current-value)) callback-list)))) ((eq? message 'addOutputCallback) (lambda (self callback-function) (set! callback-list (cons callback-function callback-list)))) ((eq? message 'getValue) (lambda (self) current-value)) (else (no-method message)))))) ;; Set up dragger callback (send dragger 'addMotionCallback (get-scheme-dragger-cb) (void-cast (callback-info (send self 'getValueChangedCallback)))) self)) ;; ;; Torus ;; (define root (new-SoSeparator)) (send root 'ref) (define my-torus (new-Torus 10.0 3.0 20 10)) (send root 'addChild (send my-torus 'getGeometry)) (define viewer (examiner root)) (send viewer 'setTitle "Torus Viewer") ;; ;; User Interface for torus ;; (define slider-root (new-SoSeparator)) (send slider-root 'ref) ;; Definition of slider for controlling major radius of torus. (define major-radius-slider (new-ValueSlider 5 20 10 "Major radius")) (send slider-root 'addChild (send major-radius-slider 'getGeometry)) ;; Transformation to keep some space between the sliders. (define slider-xform1 (new-SoTransform)) (send slider-root 'addChild slider-xform1) (send (send slider-xform1 'translation) 'setValue 0 -2 0) ;; Slider for controlling minor radius (thickness) of torus (define minor-radius-slider (new-ValueSlider 0 10 3 "Minor radius")) (send slider-root 'addChild (send minor-radius-slider 'getGeometry)) ;; These size parameters were obtained experimentally ;; Viewer for torus controls. ;; Note usage of setViewing method to switch to the arrow icon ;; and setCameraType to get an orthographic (no perspective) view. (define slider-viewer (new-SoXtExaminerViewer)) (send slider-viewer 'show) (send slider-viewer 'setTitle "Torus Controls") (send slider-viewer 'setViewing 0) ;; setCameraType must be called before setSceneGraph (send slider-viewer 'setCameraType (SoOrthographicCamera::getClassTypeId)) (send slider-viewer 'setSceneGraph slider-root) (send slider-viewer 'setSize (new-SbVec2s 1092 215)) (send (send (send slider-viewer 'getCamera) 'position) 'setValue 9.72287178039551 -1.46681797504425 7.15330982208252) (send (send (SoOrthographicCamera-cast (send slider-viewer 'getCamera)) 'height) 'setValue 4.33807563781738) ;; callback which changes torus' major radius size (send major-radius-slider 'addOutputCallback (lambda (new-value) (send my-torus 'setMajorRadius new-value))) ;; callback which changes torus' minor radius size (send minor-radius-slider 'addOutputCallback (lambda (new-value) (send my-torus 'setMinorRadius new-value)))
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